This Covid-19 virus is winning. We are the humans with brains and supposed to think our way through problems. Covid does not think. All it wants to do is look for a warm blooded human being to feast on. It is hopping from human to human munching and sucking our blood turning us into zombies. It has those hairy spikey looking tentacles sticking to things inside human bodies like hearts, livers, and lungs. If you have diabetes, it has a ball with your pancreas. You have high blood pressure, it attacks your brain causing you to stroke out. How about heart disease, it loves to clog arteries and keep the blood from flowing turning you into a walking heart attack zombie.
Don’t worry we have all been exposed, this virus has been around the world 5 times, traveling on airplanes with the speed of sound. Each time it comes back, it is more hideous and powerful than before. It is having a ball causing our behavior to turn zombie like and fight each other. You want to go out to dinner, go right ahead but Covid is there to greet you. Every bite you take, you might as well go to the next table and let them eat off your plate, and the dishwasher in the back, he tasted your food before they sent it to your table because that’s how the virus works. It let’s every one lick your food before you take a bite out of your Chicken Parmesan. Umm, tasty. How about the college football game on Saturday? I hope you like beer because every time your team scores a touch down you are swallowing beer. The QB throws a long bomb to the tight end, he catches, he scores. The crowd goes wild and cheers, meanwhile their spit full of beer goes into your mouth, your nose, and your eyes. Covid loves to get around this way. Covid loves basketball, hockey, soccer, baseball games and my favorite golf. People without mask standing shoulder to shoulder in a family reunion of Covid-19. That Lollapalooza music venue, great times in the marsh pit with zombies, mud, and Covid-19.
2 days ago, there was a brawl in the middle of 1st street downtown LA at high noon. It was humans vs zombies or was it the mask wearers vs the mask less. I forget because I could not tell which ones were the Zombies. But the humans without mask were trying to yank the other people’s mask off and the result was a brawl. Covid-19 had a field day.
Young wealth builder your first duty is defend your offense. You cannot score and stack dollars if your financial machine is shut down. You are a thinking human being so use that brain. The first line of defense is to stay away from crowds. Do not go into a crowd of frenzied drinking people who are shouting, cheering, and jeering without masks. Your second line of defense is always wear a mask when you leave your home, preferably N-95 or KN-95. Last and most important, your 3rd line of defense is get vaccinated to protect yourself from death. The vaccine might not protect you from being infected, but it will stop you from visiting zombieland, sudden death.
Come on Gents, be wise. Get vaccinated. Wear N-95 masks. Socially distance. Stay alive to build wealth for your family.