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Wealth Building For The African American Male

Black Men Building Globally


     The Hardhat, worn every time the head, to be specific, the brain is put at risk.  Whether a football player in a game, a soldier during war, or a contractor on a construction site, the hardhat is used to protect your most valuable asset, your brain.  If the brain with its millions of living cells wired by your creator to give you the ability to think and create is your most prized possession, then why don’t we nurture, protect, and develop the mind for maximum use and benefit?  Should we be reading books?  Should we invest in education?  Should leaders be teaching?  Priority #1 Teach people new ways to think, create, and live.
     The Economy is, has, and will always be the number one issue in every American’s life.  No money equals no life!  The irony is the American economy is the most impressive, the largest, and the most technologically advance on the globe, yet venture into certain city neighborhoods and it’s similar to being in a 3rd world country.  How can this be?  Is there some secret being withheld from these poverty stricken communities to keep them in a vicious cycle of hopelessness?  Why come NO ONE is doing anything to solve American Poverty?  Priority #2 Work to build finances in American households.  The solution.
     The great one two.  Imagine yourself a fighter and you only know two things.  How to swing your left hand, a jab.  How to knock out your opponent with your right hand, a hook.  Lead with your jab.  Occasionally, stick with your hook, a power punch.  Simple strategy right.  A consistent jab and a forceful hook is all you need to know to succeed in America.
     Welcome to First State Development Company.  This organization was designed for you, the African American male.  In the upcoming year, 2025, we are facing serious headwinds.  The number one issue is the lack of leadership in our homes and neighborhoods.  Shall we take the lead and handle our business or do we continue down a perilous road to nowhere?  We are at war with an invisible enemy who shows up daily in the reflection of our bathroom mirror.
     There may be hundreds of reasons why our communities are poor and weak, but there is only one solution to end this whole multi-generational mess.  You the Black Male.  If this was a live war with people dying from real bullets, you wouldn’t send women to do the fighting.  Well, the war we’re in right now is just as deadly and families are suffering real irreparable harm unless MEN take a stand to conquer poverty once and for all in every Black community.  How many of you want to win this war?  Well let’s learn the weapons of this economic war to slay the monster.
     We will introduce a term I want you to keep in your uppermost thoughts the rest of your life.  Interdependence-  It means we are independent individuals doing what’s best for us and our family, but we are also dependent upon a system to operate by contributing our talents in return for resources. 
     For Example:  The Sun is an independent star operating individually.  The sun is responsible for a solar system of nine planets (a family).  The success of the sun’s family depends on the amount of nuclear (endless) energy it gives in order to keep the solar system running smoothly.  The Sun is also a part of a larger system, the Milky Way Galaxy which it depends on to stay in top operating energy and gravitational pull to maintain its strength.  The sun is working just as hard to maintain its position in the galaxy as it is working to keep its solar system healthy.  This is Interdependence.  You are The Sun in your household and you must be interdependent in America in order to be successful.  You got it, we’ll continue.
     Let’s dive right in.  The way you win this war is being an active participant in The U.S. Stock Market and The Real Estate Market in your own neighborhood.  This is called Capitalizing.  This one two combination works.  Believe me it is a much easier path to maneuver than being kicked around fighting without any weapons at your disposal.  The strategy of the one two is simple, but you must prepare for this fight.  This will establish you as a productive citizen, capable of holding down your position as a man and leader in your own right.
     Capitalization-  Providing capital (money) for business investment.  Conversion of income or assets into wealth to maintain a prolific lifestyle.
     A rising tide lifts all boats:  If every able bodied man living in the neighborhood, no matter the degree of poverty, invest in the stock market on a consistent basis, then his household would become wealthy over time.  Guaranteed, That’s a promise!
     Empowerment  Here at First State Development we know men can form their own future through determined efforts.  We do not look at the difficulty of the task at hand, nor do we blame others for our shortcomings.  We just act and create a reality in line with America’s place in the global economy.  If the World is the Universe and America is the dominant Galaxy with a $29 Trillion economy in the Universe, then each man can build his own solar system of at least $1 Million +++
Capitalization + Interdependence = Empowerment 
     With this strong of an introduction, I’m not going to try to water down what it will take for you to conquer your finances.  It will take everything you got inside you.  But, what’s the alternative?  First State Development Company will be looking for men willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.  Our goal is to set a benchmark that withstands the test of time.  Moving on…   

Kevin Thicklin, Coach T
First State Development
[email protected]

builders, developers, producers

     Look at the two pictures above.  In both pictures you have vacant buildings, but these pictures are different.  One has new plywood and the other has plywood that has been there a few years along with graffiti.  On closer inspection, tell me what you see?  I’m asking you to use a little VISION.  One is an investment.  A person is rebuilding an old structure, turning it into new housing.  The other picture is an opportunity just waiting for some visionary to put time, effort, and investment into new neighborhood housing.  If you couldn’t see these scenes were wealth just sitting there, that’s okay, you are in the right place because we want you to develop vision to understand the treasure hiding right beneath our noses. 
     In the United States, there are 300 metropolitan cities with populations of at least 100,000.  Most cities have African American neighborhoods with declining economic bases.  Men not building wealth is the reason our neighborhoods look the way they do.  No one is building anything we own, no one is conducting business on our behalf, and not many paychecks are going into our family budgets from our labors.  The good news is we have a starting place.  We have plenty of room to advance.
     A New Year has started, 2025.  You have a decision to make.  There are so many opportunities today for you to shine on your own behalf.  Rise to the occasion, stand up and be counted.  Do you know what eliminates poverty?  BUILDING  Do you know what stops mayhem?  BUILDING  Do you know what calms grievances and complaints?  BUILDING  Do you know what heals pain and suffering?  BUILDING  Do you know what sets you apart from the losers?  BUILDING  It’s official, from this day forward we will begin a Master Wealth Builder’s Program to reclaim, repurchase, and rebuild our own neighborhoods.  What’s the benefit?  Wealth, health, happiness, unity, and love.  Sounds like winning to me.  Men willing to put themselves at risk for their family will change our neighborhoods positively for future generations.  If you are not willing to try, please do not waste your time.  Proceed Quickly!

And the house, when it was in building, was built of stone prefinished at the quarry, so the entire structure was built without the sound of hammer, axe, or any other any other tool at the building site. 1 Kings 6:7

What's your OGOG Score?

     Do you know who this gentleman was?  Look at the picture.  We know the picture is old taken over 100 years ago, but who is this impressive looking man.  His name is Ottawa W. Gurley, born on Christmas Day in 1867.  He was definitely a Christ-like gift to his fellow man.  What makes this man so important?  He understood the simple law of empowerment.  In order to achieve prosperity in any community, you first have to empower other people to reach their highest aspirations.  Most of you may not know who he is, but you do know his work.  He is the man who founded the Greenwood District in Tulsa, OK during the early 1900’s.  You may know it better as Black Wall Street. 
     Mr. Gurley was the Original Gangster.  I used the word gangster delicately, as in being able to lead a large group.   Since his name was Ottawa Gurley, he was the OGOG.  He also understood another simple law.  A chain is only strong as its weakest link.  He didn’t surround himself with yes men and sycophants.  He went out and found the smartest, strongest, and bravest men he could find to build a commercial juggernaut.  Men like AC Jackson, JB Stradford, and RT Bridgewater were just as intelligent as he was in conducting business on the street.  He didn’t discriminate either.  He found talented women such as Lula Williams, Annie Partee, and Jennie Wilson to open their businesses on the street as well.  Mr. Gurley was no slouch.  He led this commercial juggernaut from the front.  He directed, owned, or participated in 200 of the 660 businesses operating in the 40 square block district. 
     Ottawa Gurley was an incredible builder and businessman.  He left us with something more valuable than silver or gold.  He left us with a blueprint on how to prosper a Black American community.  Having money does make you wealthy, but how many other men and women you invest in determines how prosperous your community will be.  Will you follow in Mr. Gurley’s footsteps?  What’s your OGOG score?

JB Stradford RT Bridgewater Jim Cherry JH Goodwin John Gist Lula Williams Annie Partee Jennie Wilson A Brown Elliot & Hooker AF Bryant TR Gentry AC Jackson Prof JW Hughes Jackson Funeral Directors

Where do you rank on a scale from 0 - 100

Rankings as a Business Power Player
OGOG scale
100 the greatest score
0 the worst score

Investment Banker starting 5 – 100+ businesses
            100     Grade A+
Business Mogul starting 1 – 4 businesses
            95       Grade A
Business Owner running successful business
            92       Grade A-
Gainfully employed and responsible for family
Gainfully employed and responsible for self
Employed with others supplementing your expenses
Partially employed, partially unemployed
Unemployed living at the mercy of charity
Unemployed living on family members
Stealing and taking from others           

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