Enter into the house of citizenship and deliver a work ethic. First you must believe, then you will receive monumental rewards… but only if you earn it. Faith without works is sure death.
Stay away from the house of grievances, victimhood, and unbelief.
As not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your family, community, and country. For the workman is worthy of his pay.
Reckoning day is here for the ones who like to snuff out lights, the judgmental, and soothsayers who publish untruths. It is time to bring out the hammer against all who cast doubt.
The good news is you are walking in a time of fortune and miracles. Deliverance is at hand. Do not live in the land of the dead. You have the ability and opportunity to produce mighty works of power. Your ancestors could only dream of today. Don’t blow it by missing your blessings.
For you who are weighed down by the matters of everyday life, take rest in your creator. He will bring comfort to your souls. For his yoke is easy and his burden is light.
The time is now to live above the situation and never again beneath.