When you go to the airport to catch a flight, the TSA will send you through the metal scanner to see if you have any weapons on you that might destroy the plane and kill people. We here at the Co-operative see wealth building as a Superman performance. With all of Superman’s strength and ability, the man of steel was stopped by only one weapon, Kryptonite.
This is the Anti-Builder check on your journey to prosperity. We admit all men who are ready, willing, and able to begin. Just like the TSA, we want to check you here at the front door to see if you have any Urban Kryptonite in you that might destroy the journey for you and the members in this Co-op. We do this because we recognize wealth begins on the inside of the man. The majority of men coming here are eager to learn informative wealth building skills. We love to share knowledge with them. We also like to receive knowledge and love from those potential members that have something to offer. We know for a fact you can learn something from anyone. You will receive a warm welcome here if you are ready to serve our community.
We have identified 3 forms of Urban Kryptonite. These weapons if let loose inside this Co-operative, could prove fatal to our members. Just like a poisonous gas seeping in, it could enter into our Co-op and do damage before we know it’s here. If you are carrying any form of Urban Kryptonite and you are offended by this Anti-Builder check, please don’t attempt to enter. You wouldn’t like it here anyway. The 3 Anti-Building weapons are:
Unbelief Urban Kryptonite
Poor Mentality Urban Kryptonite
Non-productive Urban Kryptonite
There you have it, the 3 weapons of mass destruction that will turn a community into an urban slum quicker than the speed of light. If wealth comes from inside the man, Urban Kryptonite can destroy all initiative, enthusiasm, and ambition it takes to build wealth. Let’s look at these devious characters.
Unbelief- The deadliest of the bunch. I can tell you, “Any man can build wealth in America”, but if you don’t believe it, you would be stopped in your tracks by Urban Kryptonite. Until you believe in the possibility of building wealth, you will not have a chance. Once the adversary gets you in the head to stop building, that’s it, game over, you have lost without even trying. Deadly Kryptonite…
Poverty Driven Mindset- “I don’t want to be rich, I just want to be well off.” Really? What the heck does this even mean? You are either wealthy or you’re not! Wealth is a seed time and harvest process. You are either growing or you are declining. Standing still is just another form of decline which leads to death. You will be like a sitting duck in a video game, target practice for hunters. “My mom was poor, my grandma was poor, I am going to be poor.” Wrong! You are more than a conqueror! You can be the one in your family to stop this generational curse then start a new tradition of building wealth.
Non Producer- This one speaks for itself. I can’t even imagine a Superhero saving the city because he is sitting on his couch in his drawers drinking beer watching TV. The adversary doesn’t even have to deceive you, producing nothing returns no profits or rewards. If you concern yourself with consuming, spending everything you earn, trouble crouches in wait for you around every corner.
The one factor these 3 forms of Urban Kryptonite have in common is they are all designed to stop you from producing for your family and community. So, if you are carrying this Urban Kryptonite around, we are stopping you right now from entering the front door of this co-operative. It’s okay if you want to be weakened by Urban Kryptonite, but it is contagious and we will not be infected by you. Stop right there and turn around, we want men that can pull their own weight. All others can proceed.