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Wealth Building For The African American Male

The 5w’s, 1h building Wealth

Business Development Company (BDC)

Who is Wealth?      We are wealth.  Wealth building capability is given to each and every one of us according to our talents.  Wealth is inside of us, it has to be given an outlet to come into the world.  A BDC is a for-profit private equity investment company designed to create small and mid-size businesses building wealth, prosperity, and independence in neighborhoods.  

What is Wealth?     Wealth is accumulating assets and equity appreciation.  A BDC develops individual businesspeople and entrepreneurs to serve their communities with enterprise from their ingenuity, creativity, and efforts.  A BDC teaches a man to fish for the rest of his life and to teach his kids how to fish.  

When is the time for Wealth?    All life begins with a seed.  Wealth begins the same way.  You plant a seed, water and nurture it, give it sunlight and love, watch it grow, then comes the harvest of fruit and rewards.  Wealth is a seed time and harvest operation.  You can plant wealth seeds 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  A BDC makes plans, prepares businesses, and develops wealth over time.  It understands the concept of time and practices delayed gratification.  Time is the most precious resource a person has.  BDCs makes wise use of time, building generational wealth for future heirs.

Where is wealth when you need it?     Wealth begets wealth.  It always shows up whenever businesspeople put forth effort.  Wealth is not lazy, slothful, haphazard, or some timey.  Wealth comes to those who diligently pursue it.  Not in a greedy, covetousness way, but in a quiet, dutiful, steadfast way.  As in any professional vocation, wealth comes to the individuals who practices their craft to deliver stellar performances.  Again, wealth comes over time after delivering strong efforts.  A  BDC looks for the best qualified men and women to build communities.  Capital chases great builders to invest in.  Wealth will constantly avoid people who run from work, take the easy way out, and think it does not take all of that.  

Why does wealth exist?   Wealth and talent is given to each one of us from our creator.  Wealth is inside of us waiting to bring good into the world.  A BDC works immediately on building profits, jobs, and businesses to plant seeds of capital for the next generation of entrepreneurs.  A BDC looks for unlimited abundance in people.  This is where wealth begins.  Wealth exist to bring productive measures into the world for the benefit of all the people living in a community.

How does wealth happen?     Wealth doesn’t happen in a void of nothingness.  Wealth is a deliberate as a matter of fact proposition.  In other words, you must choose to practice wealth.  Wealth is a dynamic process.  It is fluid, full of motion, constantly seeking and a defining moment all rolled into one.  In the Bill of Rights, you have a right to pursue happiness.  Wealth is also one of those pursuits.  The pursuit is as fulfilling as the reward.  If you do not enjoy the process, it will be quite difficult to attain wealth.  A BDC takes action to bring about solutions.  Investing is a one step action.  Teaching a man to fish brings independence and freedom to make choices.  Wealth happens by people choosing to serve others.