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Wealth Building For The African American Male

Larry/LaTasha in Business? #6

     Larry realizes from LaTasha’s responses he must be delicate with her when dealing with the jewelry business.  He wants her to know he is not trying to infringe on her expertise.  He just wants to place her in a position where she benefits greatly from her expertise.  He will teach her the finance side of business so she will be empowered to run the show with or without him.  His hope is she chooses him as well.  That’s the beauty of a relationship with shared interest.  You get to discover great things about people instead of being in conflict with them and disrespect is the result.
     Young wealth builders, when you are in a business arrangement and you hold the junior position, you have power as well, because the person in the senior position needs you too.  Relationships, whether in love or business are a 2 way street.  If it is a one way street and you are not going that way, get off that one way street going in the wrong direction before you crash.

Larry calls LaTasha 3 days later.

     ‘Hi LaTasha, how are you doing?  You got a few moments.’  LaTasha, “I’m doing fine, yes I can talk.”  Larry, “I had fun the other night.  You made me laugh calling me country and everything.”  LaTasha, “Who taught you that barnyard language?  Bingo, you funny man.”  Larry, “I read a lot and I don’t confine my reading about just the NYC area.  You thought about our conversation?”  LaTasha, “I did, but I have a lot of questions.  How will this work?  I never been in a partnership.”  Larry, “That’s good you have questions.  I will try to answer them all.  But I would like to show you something.  Are you free on Saturday?  I want to pick you and Marvin up.”  LaTasha, “You have a car?”  Larry, “I have a truck for business.  Can you come?”  LaTasha, “It will have to be in the afternoon about 2 o’clock.”  Larry, “Great I’ll be there, where do you live?”  She gives him the address and the arrangement is made.