Tuesday, when Larry got home from work at 4:00, his mother Betsy and aunt Mary were waiting in the car. “Mom how long have you been waiting.” “Not long, I told Mary I didn’t want to be late.” His aunt Mary chimes in, “Lawrence, you know your mother, she called me twice a day since last week, telling me, to get over her house early, so I came early to quieted her down, this is a nice place, this yours?” “Yes, auntie I bought it a year ago, you hungry?” His mother, “I can eat, but Larry you don’t cook.” “Mother I can cook what I need, but don’t worry I have some catering in the fridge, I can warm it up for you, it’s really good. Now the place is a little dusty, I’ve been working all over. I’m ordering pizza later when my friend comes by.” His aunt, “Lawrence you got a girl, when did you get a girlfriend?” His mother, “Mary leave the boy alone.”
6:20 LaTasha and her son Marvin (LaTasha loves Marvin Gaye music) shows up. She knocks on the door. Larry answers, “Right on time.” LaTasha, “I’m serious about business.” She goes in introduces herself, then proceeds to wow them for the next 2 hours. She is charming, has a soft sales touch, and Larry opens his wallet spending $480 for his mother, aunt and $100 for his blue bracelet. Marvin had a great time with Larry and his power tools while the women were in a sales presentation. Then the pizza came.
He calls a Lyft for them to go home. He waits outside with them until it comes. “Well, I’m all spent out, I wanted to ask you to go out with me but I’m broke, so maybe you can ask me out, I’m cheap I can eat McDonald’s.” She laughs at his directness, “I don’t take men out, but since you are such a hardworking fella, I tell you what. We can go to the pasta house next week, and we will go dutch, I will pay for mine and you somehow must come up with some more money by next week to pay your own way.” Larry grins, “It’s gonna be hard but I think I can scrape together a few coins, okay let’s go.” She and Marvin get in the Lyft and leave. Larry goes back in the house and his mother has tears flowing down her cheeks. “Larry she’s a lovely woman, I’m proud of you son.” His aunt wasn’t that subtle, “Lawrence got a girlfriend!”

How he makes $1,300 per day – http://2dr.eu/TXfqhI
Larry made it through investing. His brokerage account had 3 stocks in it that averaged 35% per year interest. He kept adding $150 a week into the account. Compound Interest did the rest. This was over a period of 10 years. He invested $87,000 and it grew to $443,000 in that period of time. Do you save your money?