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First State Development

Wealth Building For The African American Male

Build Anyway

Build Anyway
     It took 5 years to build the original World Trade Center Twin Towers.  It was under planning 10 years before construction began in 1968.  It cost $460 Million to build.  It took thousands of men to plan, design, and construct the impressive towers.  On Sept 11, 2001, it took just 10 men and a $1 Million plan to bring down the towers in 2 hours.
     Destroying is much easier than building.  Growing up in Black communities, you can’t help but be affected by all of the poverty, the violence, and the deterioration of infrastructure and homes.  Some of you, being a young age, do not know what a growing Black community looks like.  You can’t envision households headed by fathers.  You don’t know what full employment looks like.  You can’t grasp seeing Black men build houses in your neighborhood.  You have never seen Black businesses on commercial avenues.  It did happen before and it can happen again.
     Somehow, and I’m not sure when it happened, some young men think it is useful to destroy their own communities.  It is almost a form of self-hate.  It’s definitely easier to tear something down destroying it than build.  What’s worse, many young people think physical labor is a sucker’s bet.  This is a sad commentary because the greatest amount of wealth comes from real estate. 
     Our resident wealth builder in the blog section of this cooperative, Larry, made a million dollars from one building in less than a year because he knew how to rebuild a nice property.  Before this, it took him years to become prepared and build a nest egg for this life changing opportunity.  He watched his friends rob and break in homes when he first started, but he chose a different path to follow and built his fortune the right way.
     Although it takes longer to develop and build, you give yourself a chance to succeed with favorable outcomes for all involved.  This does not happen for men who destroy their own community.  If you want to stay away from destruction, do not team up with people destroying community assets.  Also, keep clear from people you don’t agree with.  The worst thing to do is retaliate against a rival who wants to beef with you or destroy something you have built.  Time is a limited resource.  You do not have time for a feud or war.  If you know in your heart of hearts, you are supposed to build, and every person around you thinks you should be doing something else.  Do not get involved emotionally with these people.  It can prove detrimental, causing you to do something in anger.  That’s the plan of the adversary.  He wants to get you off your square, falling and embarrassing yourself.  Do not let anger stop you from producing.   I understand your anger.  It’s as if you live in a twilight zone with no way out except to fight, but there is a solution, build your way out of your situation by producing.  Utilize that negative energy and fury for productive purposes, not something destructive or violent.
     Did you watch Michael Jordan in “The Last Dance”?  Whenever an opponent made him angry, watch out!  He would wreak havoc on their team.  He knew the best way to defeat an enemy was to rise to the occasion and beat them on the court.  I have seen him display it in person.  You have to direct all of your disappointments and frustrations into productive measures.  It may be harder to channel aggression than go out get drunk and bash somebody’s head in, but you must learn how to harness the pent up beast inside you for producing.  This lead to victories in the end.  He who laughs last, laughs the loudest.   You must be cool under fire.  Remember, it is much easier to destroy than build.  Do not let people get you into a catch-22 with nowhere to turn but bad options.  It is a hell of a position to get out of.  If you do fall head long on your face, redeem yourself, get back up and start all over again.  Learn from your mistakes, because we need your production in the Black Community.  Some people may not believe in your sincerity, but that’s okay because they probably didn’t believe in you in the first place, especially if your intentions were good.
     Have you seen the new Freedom Tower that replaced the Twin Trade Towers?  I must say it is the most beautiful skyscraper I have ever seen.  I’m not just blowing smoke, the architects at Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, designed a masterpiece.  That’s what you are, a masterpiece.  You can be just as creative with what you build, like the builders on the Freedom Tower.  What an appropriately named building.  You are wonderfully designed by your creator and he sent you here to live a purpose filled life full of peace, liberty, goodwill, and happiness.  While seeking your purpose continue to build and you will supernaturally fulfill what you are supposed to do.  People can destroy all around you but Build Anyway!